Five Minute Pardna
The Fun Community Saving Game
Five Minute Pardna – The Community Saving Game is a fun, fast paced, easy to learn game that all the family can enjoy. The game teaches money management, budgeting, saving, investing charity and giving but you’ll be having so much fun you won’t realise you’re learning.
Benefits of Playing the Five Minute Pardna Game
- Learn How a Pardna works
- Fun For Friends & Family
- Educational Resource For Children
- Community Saving
- Money Management
- Investment
- Charity & Giving
Five Minute Pardna Game - UK Tour 2024
Hey family, We want EVERYBODY to experience playing the new family fun community saving game “FIVE MINUTE PARDNA”!
That is why l’m so excited to announce that we will be going on a UK Tour to visit as many towns and cities as we can.
If you have a store, school, or community group and would like to host one of our game days, please contact me on

Five Minute Pardna
The 5 Minute Parda is a fun, fast-paced game for friends and family. The game simulates how a rotating community saving scheme also known as a Pardna, would work in just a few minutes!
As well as being an exciting game, 5 minute Pardna can teach you how to set-up your own pardna in real life that can help you, your community, friends and family members, save money and financially thrive.
We have run workshops up and down the country, playing the game in community groups, holiday activity programmes, schools and the feedback has been phenomenal!!
What is a Pardna and How Does It Work?
How to Play Five Minute Pardna
Benefits of Playing the Five Minute Pardna Game
- Learn How a Real Pardna works
- Fun For Friends & Family
- Educational Resource For Children
- Community Saving
- Money Management
- Investment
- Charity & Giving

Pardna 2.0: how Black Britons are modernising a cherished tradition
THE WORD Pardna (also known as Pardner or Partner) evokes all kinds of collective memories for members of Britain’s Black communities.
The Pardna system, well-known in Caribbean communities and known as Likelemba and Susu in some African households, is one of the oldest financial systems in history.
What Our Community Is Saying About the "Five Minute Parda" Game!

Have you played the Five Minute Pardna Game? If so we would love to hear your thoughts.
If you’ve not played the game we would still like to hear from you too. What do you think of the concept of the game, promoting and educating people to the community saving?
Please let us know your thoughts using the feedback form.
Thank you
Five Minute Pardna - The Fun Community Saving Game!
It brings back memories of growing up hearing my parents and their friends talking about Pardna. It's a very good game, especially for the younger generation to learn about finances and ways of paying, saving and supporting each other especially during this financial crisis. I will definitely add this game to my collection! Would recommend.

Want to no more about our unique family fun game? Click the button below to download our media kit.